This music program employs a handful of instrumental instructors throughout the school year. There have been reports of delinquent invoices from the school office dating back six months.
Category: Teaching
Fictional summer festival
The International Fictional Summer Festival takes place in the mountains in Southern California. They have a staff of 45 instructors, with pay ranging from $250-$500 per session, plus room and board.
Fictional music store
Fictional music store is located in Riverside. Six teaching rooms are rented at a rate of $10 per hour, and teachers are paid independently by the students.
Fictional school band program
Fictional high school is in Lancaster. Average enrollment is 150 students. The booster program employs ten instructors during marching and concert season. Instructors report pay rates from $30-$50 per hour.
One instructor reports delinquent invoices dating from December to April, unresolved to this date.
Job advertisement
Fictional music store is recruiting woodwind teachers. Send your resume to random@ fictionalmusicstore. com